How far would you go to share the Gospel?
How much personal comfort would you sacrifice to make yourself available to people who still need to hear the Good News?
Hakim is a wild-west kind of guy wrangling a rickety motorbike, and he stopped counting the cost years ago. He devotes his free time exclusively to distributing Proclaimers* to believers and non-believers living in remote rural areas. Even when he pushes himself to the point of exhaustion and illness, the love of Christ he experiences urges him to rise from his sickbed, mount his cycle, and venture again into the desert of Central Asia. So many villages remain where no one has shared the Gospel. If he can provide one more Proclaimer to people who are hungering for the Word of God, he will celebrate the eternal results.
Then there’s Pastor Luis. He walks several miles every other day to find an internet signal. His Caribbean trek enables him to download Gospel Film** clips sent to him by the Faith Comes By Hearing field coordinator via a WhatsApp group. Luis and his wife then visit believers and non-believers living nearby, watch the clip, and discuss it. One couple, whose marriage was in tatters, confessed their sins and together accepted the Lord. They continue to be discipled and have become part of the local church. “Today, we testify that they are blessed and thriving in their newfound faith in Christ,” says Pastor Luis.
Sharing the Gospel in countries where it is forbidden is always a challenge. For Gao, it is a challenge accepted because the message of new life had transformed him years ago—from a gangster driven by power and fear to a disciple impassioned by peace and love. For over a dozen years now, Gao has invested himself in sharing the Good News of God’s love at every opportunity and discipling others using Proclaimers. Even when imprisoned for preaching, he could not resist praying with the other prisoners and sharing about his hope in Christ. His persistent witness has resulted in 18 new churches.
And then there’s Chimwala, a widow and the only believer in her Malawian village. Confident that the Word of God could change hearts, she borrowed a Proclaimer from her pastor. As she dried her maize in the yard, she played it. First, it attracted children. Then the top religious leader of the village came by. The widow was so nervous as he approached that she ignored him and went on with her maize-drying work. The next day, he and several other leaders showed up—just to listen. Then it happened: The entire village embraced Jesus!
The life-changing message of God’s love is experienced all around the globe, and it compels those changed to pass it on. We at Faith Comes By Hearing are part of a movement to record and freely provide God’s audible Word in every language that needs it, so people next door and around the world can clearly understand the Good News.
*Proclaimers are audio playback devices loaded with Scripture recordings in up to four languages. Faith Comes By Hearing currently provides Audio Scriptures in more than 1,400 languages.
**Gospel Films are visual portrayals of the four Gospels using word-for-word scripts from the Gospel accounts. These are created using films by LUMO and Faith Comes By Hearing’s Scripture recordings. They are available at Bible.is.