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Old photo of Jerry, Anet and their children.

God's Word transforms lives.

Since its inception, Faith Comes By Hearing has been partnering to provide God’s Word to every person. 

Jerry and Anet Jackson founded Faith Comes By Hearing (then known as Hosanna) in 1972 as a Christian tape-lending library. Thanks to their unwavering commitment to the Word of God, Faith Comes By Hearing is now a recognized leader in Audio Bible production and engagement.

Through our wide range of listening programs—whether in a group centered on a physical Audio Bible device or personally through various digital means—hundreds of millions of people around the world have encountered God's truth in their heart language. Today, Faith Comes By Hearing provides God's audible Word in <lang--number>1,477<lang--number> languages, and we press on to ensure that every translated language has Scripture by the year 2033.

The FCBH timeline

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Hosanna is founded as a Christian tape-lending library.
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Bible Listening Programs

Bible listening programs begin in U.S. churches.
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Name Change

Hosanna becomes known as Faith Comes By Hearing.
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The Proclaimer

The Proclaimer is developed and unveiled.
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Military BibleSticks

Military BibleSticks are introduced to bring God’s Word to U.S. troops and veterans.
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The Digital Bible Platform and app launch to provide developers and smartphone users Bible recordings and texts.
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Virtual Recording

Virtual Recording launches to accelerate partner recordings.
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Oral Bible Translation

Faith Comes By Hearing joins partners in Oral Bible Translation (OBT) work.
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Global Bible Apps

Global Bible Apps launch – single-language Audio Bible apps small enough to be shared phone-to-phone.
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Gospel Films

Partnership with LUMO leads to Gospel Films.
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Launch of 30 OBT Projects

Faith Comes By Hearing launches more than 30 oral Bible translation (OBT) projects in partnership with other Bible translation agencies, completes four translations, and initiates two of its own OBT projects, making it an official Bible translation organization.
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The Acclaimer; Digital Initiatives

The Acclaimer is launched, facilitating Gospel Film watching groups around the world.
During worldwide lockdown, Faith Comes By Hearing ramps up digital engagement strategies, leading to millions more engagements with God's Word online.
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God’s Word for Every Person

In partnership with more than 700 organizations, Faith Comes By Hearing has recorded Scripture in more than 1,470 languages and adapted 860 Gospel Films, freely providing God's Word in audio and video for over 80% of the world's population.
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What’s Next: Vision 2033

Faith Comes By Hearing completes the task of recording Scripture in every language that needs it.
learn more about vision 2033

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Faith Comes By Hearing
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