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Vision 2033
God’s Audible Word for All

And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
- Matthew 24:14

Here are some staggering facts: Earth's population numbers in the billions, and it's growing every day. There are over 7,100 languages spoken all over the world. 70% of people alive today primarily learn through audible communication, and 50% cannot read at a functional level. How will they ever hear the Gospel? There's no way that one ministry can complete this task alone.

Praise God: We are not alone. 

Faith Comes By Hearing has come alongside the worldwide translation community in a movement to finish the task—to ensure that everyone on Earth has access to Jesus Christ’s Gospel in a format they can understand. The various ministries carrying out this work have entered into an unprecedented time of unity, meaning that at long last, after two thousand-plus years, we can finally see the finish line. 

Our goal: To work in partnership to see that the Word of God is recorded and freely provided in every language that needs it by the year 2033.

This is it. The final sprint. The Great Commission completed in our generation.
With your help, we will see it done. Come with us on this journey and be a part of changing the world for Christ.

Vision 2033

How will we accomplish Vision 2033?

record icon


We record reliable translations of God’s Word in the languages of the world in collaboration with heart-language speakers and have initiated Oral Bible Translation projects.
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provide icon


We freely provide Bible recordings to communities around the world and equip local believers to host Audio Bible listening programs.
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We partner with like-minded ministries to share God’s Word and engage the last, least, and forgotten like never before.
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language map

People all around the world are hearing God speak their language. See where His Word is going:
Eurasia/middle east
As the African church continues to expand and mature, pray for it to rise up and take the lead in forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration among different ethnic groups as they hear and obey His Word, which teaches us to love even our enemies. Pray that they will share Audio Scriptures with those who are most resistant to the Gospel and lovingly bring the Light into the darkness of their lives.
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As Latin believers heed the call to carry the Gospel to every person in their countries, ask God to accelerate the recording of Scripture into more languages. Pray that completed Audio Bible recordings will penetrate the hearts and minds of the intended hearers, resulting in salvation and life transformation.
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Faith journeys often begin with an internal hunger or unrest followed by a divine encounter Pray for God-ordained appointments where His audible Word meets the ears and Scripture recordings get into the hands of the spiritually needy across these regions.
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Amidst the clatter of ancestor worship and the myriad gods vying for attention, pray for the one true God to be revealed and that His Word would be heard above the cacophony of false religions. Pray for God to remove all the fears enslaving Asian people and graciously grant peace and mercy.
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Tucked away on an island out of sight and out of mind from much of the world's population, each person in this region is precious to God. Pray for Audio Bible recordings to make their way to every single person in all the communities of the Pacific and Oceania.
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fcbh global reach map
Use the buttons below to see our presence in each region.
Mini map showing the Americas
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As Latin believers heed the call to carry the Gospel to every person in their countries, ask God to accelerate the recording of Scripture into more languages. Pray that completed Audio Bible recordings will penetrate the hearts and minds of the intended hearers, resulting in salvation and life transformation.
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faith comes by hearing in
the americas
see our work
Mini map showing Europe
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Faith journeys often begin with an internal hunger or unrest followed by a divine encounter Pray for God-ordained appointments where His audible Word meets the ears and Scripture recordings get into the hands of the spiritually needy across these regions.
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faith comes by hearing in
eurasia/middle east
see our work
Mini map showing Africa
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As the African church continues to expand and mature, pray for it to rise up and take the lead in forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration among different ethnic groups as they hear and obey His Word, which teaches us to love even our enemies. Pray that they will share Audio Scriptures with those who are most resistant to the Gospel and lovingly bring the Light into the darkness of their lives.
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faith comes by hearing in
see our work
Mini map showing Asia
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Amidst the clatter of ancestor worship and the myriad gods vying for attention, pray for the one true God to be revealed and that His Word would be heard above the cacophony of false religions. Pray for God to remove all the fears enslaving Asian people and graciously grant peace and mercy.
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faith comes by hearing in
see our work
Mini map showing Oceania
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Tucked away on an island out of sight and out of mind from much of the world's population, each person in this region is precious to God. Pray for Audio Bible recordings to make their way to every single person in all the communities of the Pacific and Oceania.
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faith comes by hearing in
see our work
Send God’s audible Word to the nations today.
Faith Comes By Hearing
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