Before hearing God’s Word, Marion was without purpose. Without value. Without hope.
Marion lived on the streets with a terrible case of leprosy. The disease had left her totally blind, unable to work, and in severe pain. She resorted to begging to make ends meet. Her community told her she was worthless—and she believed it.
Marion had never heard about Jesus or His love for women like her. Without access to the Bible, she did not know that there was a God who loved her enough to give her spiritual sight.
One day, a Faith Comes By Hearing ministry partner visited Marion’s village and brought a Proclaimer—a device that plays the Bible for large groups of people. The whole community gathered together to listen to God’s Word in their language of Mende for the very first time. The leader set the Proclaimer in the middle of the group and pressed play. Everyone listened in awe, including Marion!
When she heard God’s Word, everything changed.
From that moment on, Marion was infatuated with the Scriptures. The longer she listened to the Proclaimer, the more she was filled with joy and hope. She was deeply moved and could not keep this Good News to herself. She asked our ministry partner to train her to lead other lepers to Christ.
Marion now spends her days sharing about God’s love with other lepers. Because of God’s love for her, revealed to her through the Audio Bible, she now has purpose, value, and hope.