People all over the world delight in the Bible.
We look to Scripture for comfort in difficult times. We sing and recite songs from the Word as our own expressions of worship. We embrace the redemptive story of God that weaves through the sacred pages.
But what of those who can’t read it? The Bible’s pages might as well be blank.
In our world, 70% of people are oral communicators; they learn and express themselves best through oral means. And for 50% of people, they have no ability to read difficult material—like some of the concepts and terms in the Bible.
Billions of people are left unable to understand the Scripture. And that is why Faith Comes By Hearing records and provides Audio Bibles for oral communicators.
Audio Bibles for oral communicators shift the implication of how to use a Bible. No longer a doorstop, a talisman tied to the rafters to protect against evil spirits, or a dust gatherer on a shelf because its words are a blur of meaninglessness. Instead, families and communities gather to hear the audible Word and discuss how to live it out.
What is an Audio Bible? It’s God’s pure Word, the Bible, in an audio format.
Faith Comes By Hearing records Scripture word for word, using approved Bible translations in languages around the world.
We record only the pure Word.
Partnership with Bible translation organizations worldwide extends our reach to more minority and hard-to-reach language communities.
For every recording project, native speakers examine each part and check for errors.
Once a Scripture recording is completed and ready for release, we provide Audio Bibles in several different formats.
Audio Scriptures are available for download from Bible.is. Single-language Bible Apps boost listening within specific language communities. Playback devices like Proclaimers, BibleSticks, and micro SD cards for mobile phones make recordings portable and usable in multiple settings.
Faith Comes By Hearing and our partners offer Audio Bibles free of cost. This way, everyone has access to God’s Word in the language and format they understand. The message of hope and life in the Gospel becomes clear at last!