The apostle Paul told early Christians that God loves joyful generosity. He got right to the point in his second letter to the Corinthian church. The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Supporters of Faith Comes By Hearing experience the satisfaction of cheerful giving. We invite you to consider ten compelling reasons to donate and join the movement to share Audio Bibles with the world.
We believe God speaks every language. The Bible doesn’t discriminate, and neither does Faith Comes By Hearing. God loves all people unconditionally, and He wants everyone to know Him through His Word. This is why our singular focus is to record and freely provide Scripture in every language that needs it.
History proves the spoken word has power. Orality is reality for most of the world’s population. No matter the generation, culture, or geography, no other form of communication is as influential to intellectual growth and development. In fact, 70 percent of people alive today learn mainly through oral means.
Faith Comes By Hearing is a global operation, employing international staff at every level. Crucial to the production of a well-received Audio Bible, nationals are highly respected and valued in our work. We equip, train, and gratefully compensate, convinced of the positive impact their development has on the recording project and the language community.
Collaboration is vital to our mission. We serve beside more than 700 partners and a significant supporter base of individuals, corporations, private foundations, and churches. Faith Comes By Hearing enjoys family-level relationship with world-renowned Bible translators and distributors. We work hard to maintain such treasured partnerships, with regular interaction to mutually inform and inspire.
We support the Great Commission. Equipped with Audio Bibles, a language community’s local church teaches Christ-followers to share the Gospel. Life transformation anchored in God’s audible Word rapidly spreads to family, friends, and entire communities.
Faith Comes By Hearing maintains high standards of product excellence. We employ a host of quality-assurance measures at every stage of our process. From the decision to record the Bible for a language community, to the production of devices and Bible apps, to the release of Scripture in audio and video on websites and media platforms, everything must meet or exceed commercial standards.
Faith Comes By Hearing quickly responds to global crises. The adaptability of Audio Bibles enables us to meet needs in regions of conflict and elevated risk of persecution. Refugees and military personnel appreciate discreet listening via a BibleStick or a Global Bible App on their phone or tablet. In natural disasters, our premier device, the Proclaimer, performs dependably for groups of more than 300 listeners.
We employ every dollar possible to provide Scripture. Because God trusts us with the sacrifices others make when they give, Faith Comes By Hearing is committed to fiscal conservativism for in-house operations. Charity Navigator’s four-star ranking is one result of our fiscal responsibility measures, which include independent audits and the guidance of a diverse Board of Directors.
We speak into global Bible initiatives. Our time-tested, 50-year reputation supports the honor to work with organizations like Wycliffe Bible Translators, Biblica, and national Bible Societies. Founding family members of Faith Comes By Hearing play an active role in shaping new endeavors and raising up future leaders.
6.6 billion people have free access to Scripture. Over 7,000 languages are spoken in the world. Today, Audio Bibles freely proclaim God’s Word for speakers of more than 1,800 languages. Faith Comes By Hearing presses on to ensure future Bible listeners receive the life-changing power of audible Scripture. Through what we call Vision 2033, our mission to record and freely provide Scripture in every language that needs it by the year 2033, we endeavor to finish the task.
The apostle Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthians still applies. God loves when people give cheerfully. In addition to these 10 reasons to donate, view testimonies from people who heard God speak their language at last. You too can know the joy of sharing God’s Word with listeners still waiting.