"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." – Matthew 28:19-20
Click the play button below to listen to the passage.
(Watch Matthew 28 on Bible.is.)
After conquering sin and death, Jesus gave His disciples this commission and then ascended to heaven. This statement by the Messiah is one of Faith Comes By Hearing's lynchpins. Why? Because we believe that most people will only ever become disciples of God's Word if they hear it.
Let's unpack that. Billions of people live on Earth. A majority of them, 70%, live in oral communities and cannot or will never read. The only way the majority of people will ever be able to know the truth of the Gospel is if it is spoken to them in their heart language.
As we read elsewhere in Romans 10:17, "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." The apostle Paul, though himself literate, declared this truth. That's why Faith Comes By Hearing records and provides God's Word in every translated language.
By the year 2033, we will work together in partnership with other like-minded ministries and God-givers to fulfill Vision 2033:
- A New Testament recording in the heart language of 99% of the people in the world.
- At least a portion of Scripture recorded for the remaining 1% of people in their heart language.
- At least one Gospel Film in the heart language of everyone in the world.
- Audio and Video Scriptures freely available to every person on Earth.
(Learn more about our mission here.)
Through this, Faith Comes By Hearing is determined to fulfill its part in accomplishing the Great Commission given by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20.
You can join us in this mission too! Get involved today.