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An Insider’s Look at Faith Comes By Hearing

You may have seen our name for the very first time today. You may have been one of our Facebook followers or email subscribers for a while now. Or, you may be a long-time donor and friend of the ministry. Whatever the case may be, we’re glad you’re here! The following is a short list of helpful facts (with alliterative headers!) that will hopefully answer some questions you have about Faith Comes By Hearing’s (FCBH’s) operations, ministry, and partnerships. Of course, if you have any other questions, please call 800-545-6552 or email info@FaithComesByHearing.com.


Jesus Christ and His Gospel are the foundation of who we are and why we do what we do. We thank Him that our staff is able to operate like a family.

Faith Comes By Hearing:

  • Has a history of staff longevity, with the average length of employment being 11 years.
  • Pays everyone based on a graded system, including the CEO and management.
  • Meets weekly for musical worship and communal prayer.
  • Hosts “Language Launches” to celebrate monthly finished recordings.
  • Possesses a seasoned management team with extensive international experience.
  • Has been located in Albuquerque, NM, since 1972.


As a non-profit ministry, we rely on the assistance of donors to operate. It is our great joy to work alongside these faithful givers as we carry out the Great Commission.

Faith Comes By Hearing:

  • Is a registered 501(c)3 religious non-profit.
  • Has been a top-ranked charity with Charity Navigator for 14 consecutive years.
  • Receives an annual audit, and all audits have been clean with no adjustment.
  • Consistently operates at an average of 13% overhead.
  • Owns a cost-effective facility that has been completely paid for.
  • Administered by an Active Succession Committee made up of outside directors, has put in place a comprehensive succession plan.
  • Is led by an independent Board of Directors.
  • Has made much effort to stay current with technology.


(This section would have been called “Partnership,” but that doesn’t start with F.) Our ministry is blessed by extremely strong partnerships with ministries and organizations all over the world. We could not succeed without them!

Faith Comes By Hearing:

  • Is committed to providing the Bible in a form most useable to the oral communities of the world at no cost to them.
  • Has long-standing partnerships with over 700 ministries and most Bible translation agencies.
  • Voluntarily contributes a tithe to partners based on usage of their texts and the corresponding audio recordings.
  • In partnership with Seed Company, SIL, and Pioneer Bible Translators, has developed the Render software, making it possible to complete oral translations of the Bible for the most unreached and difficult languages.
  • Financially supports dozens of indigenous recording teams all over the world.
  • Provides our recordings, free of charge, to other ministries for their use through an API on the Digital Bible Platform.
  • Provides audio recordings of the Bible in 2,325 languages.
  • Working in partnership with US chaplains, has provided over 1.3 million servicemen and women and veterans with God’s audible Word on BibleSticks.

Faith Comes By Hearing is captivated by a single vision: Making sure every person has the opportunity to hear God's Word! Would you consider joining us in accomplishing His plan? Together, we can see the Great Commission fulfilled in this generation as people of every tribe, tongue, and nation hear God speak their heart language!
