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Global Bible App Request Form

Many apps are ready for immediate download at this page.

If you have additional needs, such as:

  • the language you need is not on that page
  • you want changes to colors or other aspects due to cultural knowledge or security concerns
  • you would like access to app usage data for your organization
  • other

please complete the questions below:

General Information

App Information

Please submit a separate request for each app desired.

If you would like to customize your App Icon, Colors Scheme, Splash Screen, Navigation Menu Image, About Page, and Parallel Bibles, please complete the information below.

App Icon

The app icon is the icon that represents the app on a user’s smartphone or tablet.If you would like to have a customized app icon by your designer, please provide the image in PNG file format in the below dimensions:

  • 48 × 48 (mdpi)

  • 72 × 72 (hdpi)

  • 96 × 96 (xhdpi)

  • 144 × 144 (xxhdpi)

  • 192 × 192 (xxxhdpi)

  • 512 × 512(App store)

Color Scheme

When building an app, SAB offers several colors to choose from. Is there a color that will make the app resonate positively with the local users?

Splash Screen

The splash screen is the image that appears full screen when the app is loading. It is an optional feature.If you would like to have a customized app icon by your designer, please provide the image in PNG file format in the below dimensions:

  • 320 x 480 (mdpi)

  • 480x800 (hdpi)

  • 720x1280 (xhdpi)

Navigation Menu Image

The navigation menu image is displayed at the top of the drawer that slides in from the side of the screen when the user taps the hamburger icon or swipes in from the side of the device.If you would like to have a customized Navigation Drawer icon by your designer, please provide the image in PNG file format with an aspect ration 16:9. Recommended sizes are :

  • 576x324 (hdpi)

  • 768x432 (xhdpi)

  • 1152x648 (xxhdpi)

  • 1536x864 (xxxhdpi)

About Page

The About box of the app can contain the following information, where appropriate:

  • The title of the app

  • A description of the app

  • Contact information for your organization, e.g. your website address, telephone number, postal address, etc.

  • Any information you want the user to know can be listed here

Please note that copyright information for the text and audio will be listed here.

Upload the About page text in a Word file or paste it below:

Parallel Bibles Language Selection

There is an option to add up to 2 parallel Bibles - national language, trade language, English or any other languages of your choice which we have permission to use for the apps.Please mention the language names and versions which you would like to have as Parallel Bibles (you can select up to 2 parallel Bibles). We will only be able to honor your request if we have sufficient permissions from the text copyright holder to use their text in our apps.


Delivery information

This can be used to group your apps on the dashboard (if you leave this empty, you will only have a version number to work with such as 1.3.1). Use this field however you like (an event name, a partner name, project name, etc).

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Faith Comes By Hearing
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