Dig into mission ground zero and rediscover our shared vision to record and freely provide Scripture in the world's languages. Our bedrock belief: Because God's Word always accomplishes God's plan, everyone needs meaningful Bible access.
United believers make an eternal difference in the world, especially where persecution threatens. Take this opportunity to learn about the collective impact of our global partnerships in areas of risk. Against all odds, we link arms for the spread of God’s Word.
Another fiscal year has passed, and God has sent His audible Word to millions more individuals thanks to your partnership. Thank you. See the fruit we have borne together in our fiscal year 2024 Impact Report. View an interactive version of our Ministry Impact Report complete with Audio Scripture, videos, and more.
Hundreds of language communities receive God’s Word in audio through Oral Bible Translation (OBT) projects. Discover how OBT’s innovative process led to the exciting story of the 2000th language to receive audible Scripture—the Murut Tahol, an oral community in Malaysia.
The story of Faith Comes By Hearing is bristling with bold men and women who—despite setbacks, challenges, and persecution—endure. Discover a sample of their stories in this newsletter.
"Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest" (John 4:35b). Thanks to people like you, a great harvest is flourishing among oral communities who hear God's Word in audio for the first time.
In this summer 2023 Brief from the Field, we celebrate the Lord's sovereign timing with you. His orchestration results in Audio Scripture resounding worldwide. Alongside more than 700 partners and faithful supporters, we strive to complete God's mission to cover the world with His Word.
This report celebrates the incredible impact of experiencing God's Word in a person's heart language and the vital role you play in this partnership. View an interactive version of our Ministry Impact Report complete with Audio Scripture, videos, and more.
In this brief from the field, you’ll find testimonies and highlights showing the impact of God's audible Word around the world. We hope you enjoy this piece and are encouraged by all that your support makes possible.
Through the life of this ministry, partnership has allowed us to pursue innovative ways to get the Gospel to every corner of the world. Read our winter 2023 newsletter highlighting digital Audio Bible engagement.
Partnership is much like canoeing: There is a shared goal, both partners use their unique strength and skills, and paddling together results in going farther faster. This newsletter is all about partnership—and we are so grateful for yours. Check it out!
Change has seemed to be the norm over the last couple of years. But as we draw closer to completing our Vision 2033 goals, God continues to remind us how faithful and unchanging He is in the midst of every uncertainty.
As we celebrate 50 years of ministry, discover what God has accomplished through your faithful partnership and commitment to Vision 2033. Rejoice with us as you learn more about Faith Comes By Hearing's global impact.
In this newsletter, you will glimpse Faith Comes By Hearing's pioneering spirit woven into every update. With the support of donors and partners, we've worked hard for 50 years to ensure God's Word reaches every corner of the planet.
In 2022, Faith Comes By Hearing celebrates its 50th anniversary! Join us in looking back at what God has done and looking ahead to what He has in store for our ministry together in this special newsletter.
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